Winter Guard Brings Home a Success


©The Talon News | Faith Stapleton

Winter Guard Member Jennifer Kerner on Thursday, Jan. 21 at Argyle High School in Argyle , TX. (Faith Stapleton/ The Talon News )

Faith Stapleton, Reporter

The Argyle High School Winter Guard has been working extremely hard on their show this year and it payed off already. Their hard work earned them seventh place at their first competition this year, at Lewisville High School.

“I think it went really well for our first competition.” Sophomore guard member Skye Lenamon said.

Even with their hard work in practice before shows, guard members still get nervous before they perform.

“I have to be calm,” Sophomore guard member Tanner Buveck said. “And remind myself [the show] is not something to freak out over.”

Calming themselves down before they performed really did help them succeed in their competition. It gave them a better mindset while they were performing and made them more confident in themselves. Their confidence allowed them to give the show their all and perform extremely well.

“At the end, it was a sense of accomplishment,” Buveck said. “And we are happy we did [the show].”

After the girls performed, they watched other guards perform and marveled at their shows. They especially were excited to watch the international groups come and perform for everyone.

“Getting to watch other guards perform was the best part of the competition for me.” Lenamon said.

They are practicing extra hard now in order to be even more prepared and less nervous for their next competition. With practices that last at least three hours after school, twice a week, the guard members have been working to improve as much as they possibly can.

“[The show] has definitely gotten a lot better,” Buveck said. “Just by us working really hard in practices.”

Although improving and aiming for first place is wonderful, to them, winter guard isn’t just about winning, winter guard is also about having fun and making memories that will last a lifetime.

“I am happy [winter guard members] are enjoying the experience,” winter guard Coach Emily Shaffer said. “Versus focusing on getting first place.”   

Winter Guard looks back on their first competition and sees it as a success for their first competition of the season.

“They walked away feeling like a team,” Coach Shaffer said. “And feeling successful”