Cross Country Boys


The boys Varsity cross country team at their meet.

Avery Austin, Reporter

This season’s boys cross country have had quite the winning streak so far. The Varsity team consist of seven people, and the JV team consist of ten.

“We are doing amazing,” Senior Zane Mohar said. “we have won four meets and three of them were in a row.”

Running cross country has many advantages–you are able to stay in shape and grow close with your teammates.

Most of the courses for the meets are flat and usually held at soccer fields or on a track so after a while the course can get boring. Yet there is one meet the team participates in every year that is a lot of fun– it’s called the gingerbread jamboree. The gingerbread jamboree has many fun obstacles the runners must overcome. For example, they have to run through a mud pit and jump over a couple hay bales.

“The most fun course is probably the gingerbread jamboree,” Richter said. “Because of the mud holes.”

Last year the boys cross country team weren’t able to make it past region, but this year’s team has much higher hopes.

“I think the team will make it to state,” Senior Slater Richter said. “Coach Styron is having us work hard every day to get us to state.”