A New Perspective

Teacher Caroline Robertson stands with family for photo in the summer time. (Photo Courtesy of Caroline Robertson)
January 6, 2023
Seeing the world from a brand new perspective, both literally and figuratively, is something Caroline Robertson is very familiar with. From her relationships with her foster care siblings to her development of glaucoma at the age of 25, consistency is something she has had to find within herself.
Majoring in English and Literature at the University of North Texas, Robertson began her teaching career at Lindsay High School, a small-town school with under 200 students. At age 22, a retina detachment followed by eight eye surgeries over the course of the next three years led her to lose vision completely in her left eye by the age of 25.
“I was just starting my own life. I had begun my teaching job, got my own apartment, and was paying my own bills,” Robertson said, “And then this happened, and it kind of derailed a lot of that financially and timewise because I was missing so much of work.”
Roberston says despite every medical challenge, her family has supported her through it all.
“Every doctor’s appointment I had people waiting for me,” Robertson said “So scary, but I knew no matter what, I’ve got people who will take care of me.”
Robertson’s view on family is like no other, seeing the foster system from an inside view. Since sixteen years old, she has seen foster sisters and brothers come in and out, forming a special bond with each one of them.
“[Fostering] was really good because it showed me another perspective on the world, right, like what’s going on in other people’s lives,” Robertson said, “ I think it gave me a lot of empathy.”
Although the life lessons that come with fostering and adopting can be rewarding, Robertson says there were difficult moments for her family as well.
“It was hard because the very nature of fostering is that it’s temporary,” Robertson said. “You pour your love into these kids, and then they have to go and another one comes.”
Through each challenge and heartbreaking cycle, Robertson’s perspective on what makes a family a family has grown along with her.
“I think having an adopted sibling showed me that family is what you make it,” Robertson said “Friends can be family. To me, I think as close as you’re willing to get to people is as close as you can get.”