Connecting Through Faith
A look into the Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA)
©The Talon News | Sam Gassaway
Students meet in the morning to participate in the Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) club.
November 2, 2022
Every Friday of football season, the smell of homemade pancakes along with the prayers of FCA members fill the school.
Among the variety of school clubs available, the fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) stands out, above the rest for the club’s goal to bring people together and create lifelong friendships.
”I want kids to understand that no matter what they do in their life, they need to point other people to Christ,” teacher Jeanna Sutton said. “I’m encouraged by all the kids that attend FCA and are willing to get up early and miss part of their lunches to come and learn more about him. It’s an encouragement to me, a blessing to me, and I just think it’s really important.”

FCA’s participation includes both students and staff, with over 100 voluntary participants.
“I think what makes FCA here so different is that it’s more like a family and it’s a community thing, not just a club that a few people go to,” Sutton said. “You don’t have to just be an athlete to come either. We have athletes, non-athletes, staff, parents, and even speakers that come together and really create a bond in our community.”
While having a heavily involved community and staff, FCA is also student-oriented and led by nine student officers. Officers take turns leading Bible study on Fridays at lunch.
“FCA has personally affected me because I feel like my relationship with the Lord has gotten a lot stronger and it has helped me stay consistent in his word,” sophomore Ryan Purczynski said. “I’m really grateful because it helps me continue to glorify God in everything I do.”
Students believe their FCA experience will have a long-lasting impact on their lives.
“It’s so cool to see Christ incorporated in high school because it’s something that is so rare but so amazing,” FCA officer Laiken Zamoworth said, “and you don’t realize it at first but you can be so negatively or positively influenced in school. It’s just an amazing support system that will last not only in high school but also throughout your whole life, and I’m truly grateful for that.”