Virtual Learning Versus Face to Face Learning
©The Talon News | Laini Ledet
This is what the workspace of a virtual learner oftentimes looks like (Laney Richardson I The Talon News).
February 11, 2021
While everyone is experiencing a world turned upside down due to COVID-19, students and teachers are making their best efforts to continue learning remotely and in-person. Although no one was prepared for this alternative learning experience, it has given new opportunities to the schools, teachers, and the students.
“After being on both online and in-person learning, I’d have to say in-person learning was more beneficial for me,” junior Gaston Campbell said. “I feel like I am more engaged in the assignments when in person.”
Because of being at home online students aren’t given the same day to day schedule that in school students receive, some kids have found it hard to stay focused and on track while being online.
“My biggest challenge would be paying attention to class and not getting on my phone,” junior Faith Murphy said. “To help me with this issue I kept my phone in another room usually.”
Students have been continuously challenged with new obstacles this school year to overcome this new reality.
“My biggest challenge when learning online was staying focused,” junior Luke Salisbury said. “I overcame this by doing school at my desk, trying to make it as close to school as possible.”
The interaction between teachers and students in person is not quite the same for virtual learners. Because of this disadvantage, teachers are not able to give online students the same assistance and help they are needing to receive.
“I kinda feel like the in person kids got a better interaction with the teacher obviously because they could show them their work and receive help,” Salisbury said.
Although online learning is a large change for most students, some found it more beneficial to their learning environment and speed.
“I think working at my own pace and not always having to work on what everyone else worked on that very second has been less stressful,” Salisbury said.
Other students have found benefits from returning to school.
“When I was online I noticed a downfall in my grades,” Campbell said. “So I think since coming back to face to face I have already learned much more.”
Although online learning isn’t the best fit for all students, some online learners are taking advantage of the freedom and independence they are getting from it.
“When learning remotely I was faced with a big challenge, and that was having to finish my work and getting it done on time,” Campbell said. “The most important way I overcame this challenge was by setting an agenda for each of my assignments, that way I had an idea on when to finish each assignment without overwhelming myself.”