Bring Back Mega Lunch
Cafeteria tables that used to be filled now sit empty as the lunch schedules have reduced capacity (Katie Ray / The Talon News).
December 15, 2020
As Argyle High School reopened for the 2020-2021 school year they had to make many significant changes to the way the school is operated, including changes to the regular school schedule, like taking away the beloved mega lunch.
Naturally and rightfully, many students are upset the time taken from mega lunch was put into each class by varying amounts throughout the school day. Yet, as winter break and the second semester rapidly approaches, many students wonder when, how, and if mega lunch will return. Although no details have been given, there is one thing in agreement, Argyle needs mega lunch back.
Students need time set aside each day to be able to work on assigned work, go to tutoring, remake tests, or even just relax and talk to their friends and make new ones. Even teachers utilize the time well, by planning tutorials, having a moment to grade papers or prepare for their next class. The extra thirty minutes mega lunch provides is essential to both students and teachers.
Even though the reasoning is solid to take mega lunch away for this semester (and potentially the next semester), there are many other ways it could incorporate it into the day. Students could be given 30 minutes in a specific class to work on anything they need to. This would still reduce the spread of COVID and also allow students time to recoup and focus on what they’re working on in class.
In conclusion, we need the extra thirty minutes mega lunch gave back in one form or another. The time is essential to learning at Argyle through the students and teachers who use it. So many people need this time to do work for a class, get tutoring on things they need help with and even make-up tests from when they were absent. Mega lunch allowed students to do these things during regular school hours when they didn’t time outside of school due to a busy schedule. If you feel passionate about this cause, send an email asking about the return of mega lunch to our principal, John King, at [email protected].