Subzero Weather (Weather Weekly)
©The Talon News | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
This bay exemplifies the effects of a deep freeze. (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service/ The Talon News)
January 31, 2019
Have you wondered what -40°F + would be like? First off, for subzero temperatures to occur their needs to be a polar vortex that’s unstable. This means that extremely cold air from the North Pole will dip South thanks to the jet stream. Now, wind chills can make it feel far worse depending on how fast the wind speed is. So what does it feel like? Well, the air is so cold that there is no moisture in the air and any moisture that enters –40°F + will be completely gone.

Subzero weather occurs due to a polar vortex. (Kristjan Feltes/ The Talon News)
Everything shuts down at this temperature due to the fact that it’s so cold. Schools, highways, airports etc. will all be closed. If you were to expose your skin to this temperature, it would result in frostbite: an extremely painful experience so extreme that breathing hurts and you will begin to cough due to your reflexes. Frostbite can occur even if skin is exposed to this temperature for less than five minutes. If you ever find yourself in extreme subzero temperatures, it’s best to stay inside and stay warm!