Argyle Community Parks Gears Up for Grand Opening
©The Talon News | Jaclyn Harris
With it’s grand opening on May 5, 2018, Argyle Community Park is the first of its kind in the town.
May 5, 2018
The town’s never-ending expansion of its boundaries has once again led to a new method of community enhancement. On May 5th, the town is holding the grand opening of Argyle Community Park in the first annual event known as Derby Day.
Argyle Community Park was built through a $500,000 grant received through Texas Parks and Wildlife and matched by the town. It is located near the railroad tracks long Crawford Road on the Intermediate School campus, on land owned by the school district.
The land on which the park is built already had some ball fields, but a basketball goal, half-court, baseball fields, a playground and a volleyball-half court have been added. Trails run around and near the perimeter of the park, a concession stand, and a large pavilion complete with picnic tables.
Aside from general community usage, the park will be utilized by the Argyle Youth Sports Association (AYSA) for baseball and softball seasons. The spring season will run from Feb. 1 through July 1, and the fall season Aug 15 through Nov. 30. For each season, they will have access to the fields from 4-10 p.m. during the week and from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. on weekends.
May 5th will be the first annual Derby Day as a celebration of the park opening. The event will feature a live airing of the Kentucky Derby, along with food, games, bounce houses and live music. Derby Day will be the first of many town events hosted by the park and the location will surely continue to remain an integral part of the community.