Mr. and Miss AHS Crowned
Seniors Cale Nanny and Marley Straubmueller are crowned as Mr. and Miss AHS at the red out pep rally on Feb. 6, 2018 at Argyle High School in Argyle, TX. (Photo by: Pam Arrington)
February 7, 2018
At yesterday’s red out pep rally, seniors Cale Nanny and Marley Straubmueller received their titles as Mr. and Miss AHS. Mr. and Miss AHS are to embody all of the characteristics of Eagle PRIDE— positivity, respectfulness, integrity, diligence, and enthusiasm— and exemplify what Argyle High School looks to instill in its graduates. Nominated by teachers, Straubmueller and Nanny won based on votes from the senior class. Finalists included Lizzie Dagg, Payton Marley, Malia May, Jon Copeland, Blaze McMellian, and Brandon Woolums.