Co-Captain Sets Standard
©The Talon News | Jaclyn Harris
Audrey Livingston takes the court in a tennis tournament at Argyle High School on Oct. 19, 2017. (Jaclyn Harris / The Talon News)
February 22, 2018
After five years of hard work and dedication, junior Audrey Livingston received the position of co-captain for the tennis team, where she acts to improve the team’s mindset and work on the court.
“I have learned that whoever you are facing on the court, playing your game and no one else’s is the key to doing your best,” Audrey said.
Livingston’s energy and team spirit has fueled the team to train and work for the season to better improve their skills.
“She just, overall, is a leader in that aspect when it comes to teamwork and providing encouragement,” tennis coach Tobi Jordan said. “She’s probably one of the best captains I’ve ever had for a team.”
The effort Audrey puts forth has aided in the team’s experience and improvement.
“She’s always really punctual and always on time, like getting there early and staying late,” Audrey’s sister Chloe Livingston said. ”She’s always willing to go the extra mile.”
The significant people in her life are one reason for Audrey’s skill and positive attitude towards the sport.
“Coach Jordan has had a great influence in my life because she always encourages me to play my best and maintain strong mental game,” Audrey said.
Audrey’s skill and dedication to her team and sport has proved she has what it takes to be a leader to her fellow teammates.
“Loyalty can be described in many different ways,” Jordan said. “I mean it in she’s loyal to her team, but she’s also loyal to her duty as a captain.”
Audrey has always shown signs of hard work, dedication, and leadership. This has benefited the team in substantial ways.
“Ever since she was a freshman she did the right thing and led by example,” senior Micheal Rigsby said, “and that’s finally turned into her being team captain.”
When she is not playing on the court, Audrey is keeping up the team spirit by cheering on her teammates.
“She makes sure that her presence is known to her teammates that are on the court and that makes a big difference in the results and the confidence that those players have,” Jordan said.
Audrey’s relationship with her sister, Chloe, plays a significant part in her enjoyment of the sport.
“I enjoy playing doubles with my sister in the spring because we are very close,” Audrey said, “but also because we both push each other to be better on the court.”
Audrey hopes to continue making improvements as captain of the team in her senior year.
“I want the Argyle Tennis team to improve and reach our full potential next year, like we did this year, because we have so many strong players,” Audrey said.

Livingston displays her skill at a tennis tournament at Argyle High School on Oct. 19, 2017. (Jaclyn Harris / The Talon News)