NHS Officers Prepare for New School Year
©The Talon News | Caleb Miles
NHS officer Gracie Baum addresses classmates at Argyle High School in Argyle, Texas. (Photo by Caleb Miles / The Talon News)
June 19, 2016
As seniors are graduating, it is time to fill many of the vacancies they will be leaving behind. One of the most important ones is the new NHS officers. For the upcoming school year, Gracie Baum, Josh Block, Brooke Daniel, Erin Eubanks, Brayden Ratcliff, and Logan Weitzer have all been elected.
“I was surprised at first for being elected, but now I feel pretty good about it,” Block said. “One of my main plans that I want to carry out is a student led study hall. I feel this would be great for students who need a little extra help and also lessen the stress on teachers.”
To give other students an idea of what plans every officer wanted to put into place, they were required to give a speech to all of the NHS members from the 2016-17 school year.
“I feel that my speech was able to convey my ideas to the voters a little more than the other which really helps,” Block said. “If the voters don’t know what you stand for then they’re gonna be less likely to vote, so I feel the voters got my message.”
For every officer, it is important that they choose to promote something that is not only important to them, but unique as well.
“My plan as an NHS Officer is to incorporate the environment because I think the environment is super important, so, with that, promoting recycling and picking up trash,” Eubanks said.
The new officers are looking forward to the new year. Now that they are no longer just members, but officers, they are able to make many of their ideas for improvements into realities.
“I am excited to get everyone involved in serving and for them to find joy in it,” Ratcliff said. “I am going to work with the other officers and teachers to continue to find multiple service opportunities for students to find where they can contribute with their skills and talents.”
One of the main things to remember for all NHS members is the reason they are in NHS. Service is one of if not the most important thing the group does, and the ideas that the new members bring will ultimately effect the students’ ability to do that.
“I’ve been involved in many different activities, and I’ve found that everyone is important and can be a part in something bigger than themselves,” Ratcliff said. “I know I can help my peers to believe this and find joy in serving others.”