Super Tuesday to Impact Nation
©The Talon News | Caleb Miles
The Texas flag flies proudly above Argyle High School, providing a symbol to all American citizens to vote on Super Tuesday. (Photo by Caleb Miles / The Talon News)
March 1, 2016
As Super Tuesday rapidly approaches, students should be aware of how relevant their vote is to the future of their communities and the country. Not only is voting a right, but it is also an essential civic duty that requires knowledge regarding the conditions of various elections.
While students should be aware of national elections, they should also be informed of local elections that take place in towns and counties. This year, many elections are taking place all over Argyle and Denton County. Some local positions up for grab are three city council chairs, State Representative, County Sheriff, and County Chairman. Without these dedicated constituents, cities and counties would not be capable of functioning sufficiently. Local governments are, in fact, the building blocks of the nation, comprising the country’s foundation. Whether it be constructing various policies that affect each and every individual or creating financial plans that decide whether or not local companies can function properly, district administration and government impacts every citizen in countless ways. Therefore, it is vital that students participate in the election process at all levels. Each election that takes place will, in one way or another, influence people and affect their future.
This upcoming presidential election is a turning point for the nation. Regardless of what many think, this voting cycle doesn’t come down to which party is on top, but how the United States identifies itself as a people and as a nation. America isn’t a bipartisan government; it is a unified society that represents people from all walks of life. Every single vote counts, and every individual voice matters. This election will determine how the country’s economy functions, how the Supreme Court will make future decisions, and how America will deal with an oppressing face of terrorism.
Not only is it essential to vote for the future but to also honor the past. Millions of people over the years have given their lives for the sake of freedom, and it should not be forfeited at any cost. This being said, everyone should find their polling location this Super Tuesday and vote for the future of the United States of America.