High School Participates in College Fair
©The Talon News | Caleb Miles
College Fair at Argyle High School on 9/14/2015 in Argyle, Texas (Photo by Jocelyn Pierce / The Talon News)
September 30, 2015
Around 100 different colleges set up booths September 14 and presented what their schools offer to give students more information on which college will be best to attend.
“We know it’s a very big decision that you guys are about to make,” Texas A&M Admissions Counselor Jessica Krom said, “We want to provide as much information as possible so you guys can research and figure out what school would be the best fit.”
The college fair helps inform students of the many different diverse schools that are out there.
“They might not have even heard of some of the colleges that were there,” principal James Hill said. “I hope they got an idea on some colleges that they are interested in, and maybe somewhere they weren’t even thinking about.”
Students gained an opportunity to speak with a college’s representative.
“It was cool to see all the different colleges and what they offer,” junior David Davis said. “It was helpful in finding out information from the different schools and getting to ask more personal questions about majors.”
This event encourages students to look toward their future plans.
“The best option for students is to find out what they want to do when they get out of school and then they can match up the college that best suits them in regards to their major,” Hill said. “These college fairs really help in that sense.”
Although stating the college fair was informative, some students offer advice to making a future event even more helpful.
“It was extremely crowded,” Davis said, “It was hard to talk to the people and get more details about every college. They could make it better by having it in a bigger place than the auxiliary gym, but other than that I thought it went well.”
Some students may have further questions that they did not get the chance to find out at the college fair.
“Every university is going to have information on their website,” Krom said, “so like for Baylor there’s an entire page devoted to prospected students and information that they may need, and also information so they can contact their admissions counselor.”