Dual Credit Courses To Be Offered Through TWU Next Year

TWU’s Old Main (Creative Çommons)
April 13, 2015
Dual credit high school courses will now be accredited by Texas Woman’s University, as opposed to North Texas Central College. This was announced at the meeting last Tuesday.
“I think it will be good that students will be getting credit from a four-year university,” dual credit english teacher Leighann Fenter said. “I think it’s a good opportunity for students to have that change; switching to TWU just looks more prestigious.”
The change is not expected to affect students in a negative way.
“The teachers will be teaching the same courses since its standardized across the state,” Fenter said. “Students won’t really see much of a difference other then the process of just applying.”
Although the change minimally affects classroom processes, there are benefits to using TWU.
“For students it’s going to be less expensive,” dual credit history teacher Sharon Romero said, “and credit will transfer to many more colleges and universities, much more so than a community college would, so it’s a win-win for everybody.”
Dual credit students will also be able to receive additional services.
“Students can go to the TWU campus and use their libraries or other facilities like they were a TWU student,” Fenter said.
An opportunity for a much broader course selection may be presented as a result of the change.
“TWU just has more flexibility with the courses they are able to offer,” Fenter said. “There’s been some talk about maybe adding foreign language dual credit, so that could be happening down the line.”
Through the change, teachers see a positive outcome in the decision to use TWU.
“For faculty, the class can be more academically strenuous,” Romero said, “but it will allow the instructors much more flexibility and curriculum textbook choice, and in how we run our classrooms.”