Tastey Treats to Devour During the Holiday Season
December 23, 2014

As the holiday season springs into action and many ‘last minute’ actions are taking place, one worry you mustn’t have is the decision of which dessert to share with the whole family by the roaring fire at Grandma’s house. Therefore, Red Velvet cookies are the way to go. In just a few short steps, the whole family can share many memories while bonding over the delicious easy-to-make holiday cookies.
1. You begin with a simple trip to the store to snatch up a typical box of Red Velvet cake mix in order to transform the idea of a cake into cookies. Once arrived home and before jumping into the baking arena, one must heat the oven to a typical 350 degrees and take out a cookie sheet along with adding two layers of baking non-stick paper.
2. Now, take and crack two eggs inside an average sized bowl, and add in 1/3 cup of vegetable oil. Then, whisk the newly added liquid to the already beaten eggs.
3. From this point, you just dump the Red Velvet mix into your bowl of already whisked items to create the dough.
4. Then, carefully pour the mix onto a cookie sheet as they spread to take on their own size and shape. One must then place the sheet of gooey mix onto the second shelf of the oven and allow the cookies to bake for 9-11 minutes.
5. After the time is up and the cookies are completely ready, one should let the mouthwatering dessert cool down for 30 minutes to an hour before applying the final touch of powdered sugar. Along the top of the cookies, add the sugar for that final kick of sweetness on the beautiful Christmas dessert. Now all that one is required to do is enjoy!