Student Leadership Hosts Animal Shelter Fundraiser

Student leadership will host a fundraiser tomorrow for the Flower Mound animal shelter. To participate, students can donate $1 to wear a hat at school and support the cause.

The fundraiser is the student leadership’s service project for the 2022-2023 school year. Students did research on different foundations and programs before voting on the animal shelter.

“It was a really hard choice,” sophomore Ava Chong said. “We all took a vote and reached out to the animal shelter to ask what they needed help with, so that kind of helped with our decision.”

When all of the money is collected, the student leadership class will take a field trip to the shelter and personally donate the funds. The class hopes to encourage their peers to help.

“The Flower Mound animal shelter does an incredible job of providing a place to care for all the sweet animals that might not have a home,” sophomore Kaylee Combs said. “Donating a dollar would put the shelter one step closer to being able to provide these animals with a good life and maybe even a forever home.”